My family has lived at our current residence since November 1994, so this has been my bedroom for half of my life. Of course, for half of that time I've been living elsewhere, but with all my country- and school-hopping I expect I'll still bounce in and out of for some years to come, and that's fine with me. It changes over time, of course, but this is it was of early 2007, when I was living in there before going to Japan on the JET Program. I like my room a lot, and I put a lot into making it look nice and cheerful, so allow me to show you around!
Interesting things on my dresser include photos of friends and my cat Puffy; a Mars Rover Spirit patch in a plastic stand from the Box o'Rover Stuff; a US Pavilion coffee mug; and the ever-present book and glass of water. My friend Megan (who lives in Chicago) got me the very cool 1933 Chicago World's Fair poster for my birthday after I got back from the 2005 Nagoya World's Fair.
The next picture on the wall is my poster of Stevie Y hoisting the 1997 Stanley Cup. It still makes me smile over a decade later! Then there's my star lamp, and then there's the sunshine quilt my aunt made for me that has hung over every bed I've ever had (not counting dorms and such)—we have a picture of me standing and grinning in my crib with that in the background. I love bright sunny colors! And on the floor, you can see my cool space rug, even though I have carpeting. (It used to go on linoleum dorm floors.)
Some of my favorite pins are my Mars Exploration Rover pin (black square near the patch, from one of the NASA scientists who visited) and my Exploration NASA pin (blue circle near the patch, from the other NASA scientist) as well as the US/Japan Expo friendship pin (near the upper right), and the Canadian Pacific Expo '86 pin that someone traded me. There's also the Opportunity patch to go with the Spirit patch that's on my dresser.
On top of the box are the Expo mascots Morizo and Kiccoro, and some little Japanese dolls my penpal sent me back when I was in high school.
So that's it, my bedroom! I expect the person who found that most interesting is me, as I'll look at this page when I'm homesick in Japan, and maybe also the people who gave me gifts and can see how they're displayed. (You're welcome to draw me gift art or send me tangible presents too if you like! Haha.) Still, I hope you enjoyed your tour.