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  p1010729.jpg - You could also join the "Support Obama's Campaign Association" at this store, according to this sign.  This doesn't actually mean that small foreign towns were bankrolling American elections; rather, it means that they will take your membership money and give you a complimentary membership T-shirt, since due to copyright or some other legal technicality that my Japanese skills didn't quite cover, they couldn't sell T-shirts that had Obama's face on them, but they could give them away for free.  

You could also join the "Support Obama's Campaign Association" at this store, according to this sign. This doesn't actually mean that small foreign towns were bankrolling American elections; rather, it means that they will take your membership money and give you a complimentary membership T-shirt, since due to copyright or some other legal technicality that my Japanese skills didn't quite cover, they couldn't sell T-shirts that had Obama's face on them, but they could give them away for free.
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