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  dscn0944.jpg - A guide would then count off 250 (later upped to 350 as we tried to cram as many people in as possible) people with a little silver clicky counter thing and let them shuffle into the Pre-Show, where they would watch a video about the life of Benjamin Franklin, while hanging out with this bronze statue of the guy.  (It was more interesting than it sounds.  A little.)  This photo is taken from the guide's perspective at the front of the room, and the screen is above her (or him, but in this case it was me).  

A guide would then count off 250 (later upped to 350 as we tried to cram as many people in as possible) people with a little silver clicky counter thing and let them shuffle into the Pre-Show, where they would watch a video about the life of Benjamin Franklin, while hanging out with this bronze statue of the guy. (It was more interesting than it sounds. A little.) This photo is taken from the guide's perspective at the front of the room, and the screen is above her (or him, but in this case it was me).
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