Name: Cozoqui (koh-ZOH-kee)
Age: ?? (an adult in Mikumi years)
Birthday: 2nd day of the 10th (and last) month of the Mikumi calendar
Likes: Noverans, peace and quiet
Dislikes: Somnerans, anything "obnoxious"
Strenghts: a talent for spying, dedication, intelligent
Weaknesses: can be a bit stuffy and proud

Theme Music: Botanic Base theme from Chaotix
Open pop-up soundtrack window

One thing we know about Cozoqui is that he's extremely secretive; unfortunately that means we don't know much more about him. In any case, it makes him very good at his work. He's a spy, though the details of that are secret, naturally. He takes his job very seriously and he's clearly very dedicated to it, determined to see it through to its end. He is not a human but a Mikumi, a small creature from a place called Miku. Though Mikumis are much smaller than humans, don't presume to look down upon him: one thing that he doesn't stand for is anyone stepping on his dignity.

Average in height for an adult Mikumi, Cozoqui is 1'8" tall, though his hair adds an extra three inches or so to his height. Mikumis are rather squat in shape, and the typical Mikumi dress (for both males and females) is a long, wide gown that covers their large round feet. Cozoqui dresses in such an outfit; he also has a dark grey one with a hood that he uses to hide his hair when spying. Otherwise, he ties his hair up into two stalks with some scraps of fabric; most Mikumis do this to keep it out of their eyes, though some humans say it ends up making them look like houseplants (I'd advise against saying this to Cozoqui. ;) He has a gold badge with some enigmatic engraved seal on it, and he wears this most of the time.
