About the Author

Jessie L. Mannisto is the creator of the Carlson Septuplets. She writes their stories, designs their site, and draws their pictures (excepting of course the gift art). She and the Septs have been featured on CNN International/Headline News as well as in the Des Moines Register, Software 2010's World On-Line Digest, CBS's SoundBytes Radio, and the on-line editions of the Los Angeles Times, Philadelphia Enquirer, and Twins Magazine. (Her site, though not her name, was also mentioned in a story in Life Magazine.) She hopes that this is the first step in a career as a storyteller.

Jessie was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1982, just like the Septs. She graduated from Kalamazoo College in 2004 with a degree in creative writing. After working as United States pavilion guide at the 2005 World Expo in Japan, she has returned to the U.S. and is currently trying to decide on a career path to follow, alongside, of course, her ambition to write books.

Her other works include Aka-chan in Nihon and Twilight Star and are collected at her domain, Skygawker.com. If you'd like, you can get to know Jessie at her personal web site.

The photograph at right is from 2000, as it says, but it's still the best picture she has because you can see her kitty cat Puffy, too. :)
