In the Queue: I know this layout is horrible in wide screens. Haven't had much time to focus on fixing that in the past couple years but I want to see about doing something like that soon.
In the Queue: I'm done with grad school! Yay! Umm...maybe now I'll work on some stories again. Gee. What should I do with my free time? Hmmm, an exciting thought indeed!
In the Queue: Almost done with my JET Program Album! I hope to finish that in the next month or so.
In the Queue: I really, really, really hope to submit Defying Gravity to agent within the next year. This means a finished draft to send to friends by the end of 2010. This will take most of my creative efforts for the forseeable future. That said, I want to get my JET Program and Expo 2010 albums up here sometime soon, too.
In the Queue: Starting grad school. So nothing particular is planned here for now.
In the Queue: I'm gonna try to work on my JET Program page next. 帰りたくない!
June 15, 2009 — I have added 8 new coasters and 3 new parks to my coaster track record and one new building to my skyscraper list. Now that's what I call working on a web site.
In the Queue: Photos from Malaysia/Singapore and the JET program overall, and some other JET related stuff.
April 6, 2009 — I got back from a volunteer trip to India about a week ago, and so, of course, I have pictures! And also a write-up that I also posted on the blog of the NGO that coordinated our program. Go check it out in the travel section.
In the Queue: I'm going to take Internet Explorer out back and smash it into a million pieces. Argh, I wish my website would work in that browser...!
The specifically new content (meaning stuff that wasn't in some form on the old version of the site) mainly includes the stuff on the Site Highlights page, so take a look at that especially!
In the Queue: Get Michigan-Shiga and JET pages up on the Japan section. Add some new editorials. Complete cross-browser testing.